Reverse Osmosis Plants(RO Plant).
Quality Satisfactions
Right Water Systems is committed to the very best quality of its products to the complete satisfaction of its customers, our products and service quality are highly appreciated & accepted by the industry and customers. As a result, we always remain at the forefront of the industry and we have satisfied customers all over India.
Qualities will always vital at Right Water Systems Therefore it is imperative, at the company maintain an effective quality control to given all codes of Indian Standards , we always use the latest technology,
For easy Installation our units are unique mounted & completely packaged type with all required safeties & operating devices are supplied installed & pre tested in our works
1. ETP Plant Manufacture (Effluent Treatment Plant)
2. STP Plant Manufacture (Sewage Treatment Plant)
3. UF Plant Manufacture (Ultra Filtration Plant)
4. RO Plant Manufacture (Reverse Osmosis Plant)
5. ZLD Plant Manufacture (Zero Liquid Discharge Plant)
6. DM Plant Manufacturer (Demineralization Plant)
7. Swimming Pool Filtration System Manufacture
8. Package Drinking Water Plant Manufacture
9. Water Filtration Plant Manufacture
10. Softener Plant Manufacture
Water Treatment Chemicals (all Category of Water Treatment Chemicals)
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Reverse Osmosis Plant
Reverse Osmosis Plant Capacity-500 LPH to 1, 50,000 LPH.
Right Water Systems:- Reverse osmosis RO water treatment plant process is that allows the removal of unwanted particles (salts) from a solution. Reverse Osmosis water treatment plant is also used to treatment of water like removal of hardness, microorganism, salts and impurities in order to improve the color, odour, taste or properties of the fluid. “Cross flow” is the advanced Reverse Osmosis RO water treatments Technology that allows a partially semi permeable Reverse osmosis RO membrane to clean itself continually. As some of the fluid passes through the membrane, the rest continues downstream, sweeping the rejected species away from it. Reverse Osmosis water treatment plant process requires a HPP (high pressure pump) to push the fluid through the membrane like high pressure and large driving force. For Brackish water approximately 10 to 20 bar applying as a osmotic pressure in solution to separate salt water as rejection and good water as product.
As concentration of the salts (fluid) being rejected increases, so does the driving osmotic force. Reverse Osmosis water treatment system is used to reject, sugar, bacteria, salts, proteins, particles, dyes, and other constituents. Separation of ions with reverse osmosis water treatment filtration is aided by charged particles. This means that dissolved ions that carry a charge, such as salts, are more likely to be rejected by the membrane . The larger the charge and the particle, the more likely it will be rejected.
Right Water Systems R.O. Water Treatment Plant Designs Process
• Pre-chlorination : This is made to disinfect the raw water from any infections.
• First Filtration: By the pressure Sand filters to remove Turbidity and Suspended solids.
• De-chlorination dosing: To remove the remaining Chlorine after the pressure sand filter.
• Antiscalent dosing: It is very important to prevent Calcium Sulfate from scaling.
• Acid dosing: It is very important to prevent calcium carbonate from scaling by Sulfuric acid 98%.
• Second filtration: It is by the cartridge filter (5micron) is important to remove any particles exceed 5 micron size.
• Feeding water High TDS raw water will pass through the semi permeable membrane under the high pressure, after boosting with high pressure (Osmotic Pressure ) approx 12 – 16 bar the membrane output water will treated and reduce to the required TDS .
• Adjusting PH value by Sodium hydroxide 49%
• Post chlorination dosing for disinfection by Sodium hydrochloride 12%
Special design on available hear at customer demand.