Pharmaceuiticals RO Plant

Quality Satisfactions

Right Water Systems is committed to the very best quality of its products to the complete satisfaction of its customers, our products and service quality are highly appreciated & accepted by the industry and customers. As a result, we always remain at the forefront of the industry and we have satisfied customers all over India.
Qualities will always vital at Right Water Systems Therefore it is imperative, at the company maintain an effective quality control to given all codes of Indian Standards , we always use the latest technology,
For easy Installation our units are unique mounted & completely packaged type with all required safeties & operating devices are supplied installed & pre tested in our works

Right Water Systems Present Few Category of Water Treatment Plant

We install entire (Fully Automatic as well as Semi-Automatic) on Turnkey basis.
1. ETP Plant Manufacture (Effluent Treatment Plant)
2. STP Plant Manufacture (Sewage Treatment Plant)
3. UF Plant Manufacture (Ultra Filtration Plant)
4. RO Plant Manufacture (Reverse Osmosis Plant)
5. ZLD Plant Manufacture (Zero Liquid Discharge Plant)
6. DM Plant Manufacturer (Demineralization Plant)
7. Swimming Pool Filtration System Manufacture
8. Package Drinking Water Plant Manufacture
9. Water Filtration Plant Manufacture
10. Softener Plant Manufacture
Water Treatment Chemicals (all Category of Water Treatment Chemicals)
All systems spares part available here any time

Right Water Systems: – About Reverse Osmosis What is Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a membrane separation process in which feed water flows along the membrane surface under pressure. Purified water permeates the membrane and is collected, while the concentrated water, containing dissolved and un dissolved material that does not flow through the membrane, is discharged to the drain.
The key requirements of Reverse Osmosis (RO) process are a membrane and water under pressure.
Other requirements include pre filtration to remove suspended impurities and carbon to remove chlorine (damages the membrane).
Most membranes remove 90-99+ % of the dissolved impurities depending on the impurity and the composition of water.
Reverse osmosis systems (RO Systems) remove salts, microorganisms and many high molecular weight organics. System capacity depends on the water temperature, total dissolved solids in feed water, operating pressure and the overall recovery of the system.
Right Water Systems: – Reverse Osmosis RO System Removes Up to 97-98% of Total Dissolved Solids, Reverse osmosis is a membrane separation process in which feed water flows along the membrane surface under pressure. Purified water permeates the membrane and is collected, while the concentrated water, containing dissolved and un dissolved material that does not flow through the membrane, is discharged to the drain.
Reverse osmosis systems remove salts, microorganisms and many high molecular weight organics.
System capacity depends on the water temperature, total dissolved solids in feed water, operating pressure and the overall recovery of the system.
Right Water Systems: – Advantages of Reverse Osmosis Over Conventional Processes,
Compared with other conventional water treatment processes, reverse osmosis has proven to be the most efficient means of removing salts, chemical contaminants and heavy metals, such as lead, from drinking water.
Today reverse osmosis systems have proven to be the most economical and efficient means of improving the quality of water.

Right Water Systems: -Simple to Operate and Maintain, Our reverse osmosis systems come assembled, factory tested and in ready-to-operate condition.
They are designed for efficiency and are simple to operate and maintain. Besides regular monitoring and periodic membrane cleaning, membranes need to be changed every one to three years depending on water quality, size of the system and pre treatment, pumps also require routine maintenance.
The Purified water Generation Plant is designed to produce 0.5m3/hr purified water. Unit wise capacity of complete water system is as below:-




1. Multi Grade Filter (manual)
2. Softener Unit(manual)
3. 2nd Pass RO System (Hot Water Sanitizable) – Permeate flow ………… M3/Hr
4. EDI System (Hot Water Sanitizable) – Permeate flow ………….. M3/Hr

S.NO Parameters Value (assumed)
1. PH ……………..
2. Chloride as Cl- …………………
3. Turbidity ………………. NTU
4. TOC …………………..PPM
5. Total Dissolved solids < ………………. PPM
6. Total hardness as CaCo3 < ……………….. PPM
7. Silica as Sio2 ……………………..ppm
8. Total Alkanity < …………………….ppm
9. Colour < ………………Hz 9 Ecoli ………………… 10 Salmonella …………………………. 11 TVC >…………………… CFU/ML

1. All Physical, Chemical and Microbial Parameters not specifically mentioned in the above or mentioned as NIL are considered as absent.
2. Any changes in the Raw Water Parameters will call for review of the scheme proposed and will affect the Treated Water Quality and / or Quantity.
3. Raw Water Temperature is considered as 250C throughout the year for Design Purpose. The Output quality will be varied with respect to elevation of temperature above 250C.

4. Treated Water Quality of Purified Water Generation System ( EDI OUTLET)

pH : 5 to 7
Microbial Limit : <100 cfu/mI
TOC : <500ppb
Conductivity @ 25°C : <1.3 µs/cm

The above will be achieved subject to:
• The Plant is operated as per the instructions given in the manual.
• The feed water quality is as per the RO feed water requirements as specified in the manual.
• Original spares and consumables are used for plant operation.

The water Treatment system has been designed to achieve the required quality of purified water as per the current USP guidelines and includes following stages of treatment:


The pretreatment consists of automatic NaOCl dosing system, manual Multigrade filter system and Softener with chemical Sanitizable RO system to produce potable water. This water will be stored in SS316L tank & passed to HSRO-EDI System to produce Purified water at flow rate 0.5m3/hr. The plant is designed to treat raw water coming from bore well supply as per raw water characteristics specified in the Design Specifications.

Raw Water Storage tank
The tank will have level indicator (for physical indication) / level switches interlocked with necessary pumps / instruments as per the schematic.

Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCL) dosing System – 1

The raw water needs to be disinfected during storage and distribution for protection of microbial contamination. Chorine is dosed in the raw water to control microbial growth in raw water tank. It typically consists of coagulant dosing at the rate of 2 to 3 ppm and includes standard dosing pump and accessories like chemical tank, dosing tubes etc.

Chlorine removes electrons from the outer shell of the atoms of living organisms, destabilizing the structure until the organism is dead. When sodium hypochlorite is added to water, it forms an OCl- (hypochlorite) ion that is called free chlorine which is neutralize by dosing of Sodium Meta-bisulphite(Na2S2O5).

Multi Grade Filter
Chlorinated Raw Water is pumped through Multi Grade Filter to reduce turbidity and suspended solids. It consists of graded sand and gravel which removes suspended particles from the feed water. The filter has composite filament wound FRP pressure vessels. The bed depth and grading of the sand is selected in such a way that filtration takes place throughout the filter bed unlike conventional sand filter in which filtration takes place on the surface of the bed.MGF is designed for either once a day backwash or when the pressure drop across MGF is more than 0.5 bar. Back wash water requirement and frequency (once in 24 hours) also is less.

Softener Unit
The substances in the incoming water which causes hardness (calcium & magnesium ions) are replaced by sodium ions.
Hardness causes scaling and salt precipitation on the RO membranes and other equipment’s like piping, Storage tanks etc. hence Softener is used to replace divalent ions like Ca & Mg with the principle of ion exchange Na-based resin.
The softener is designed for hardness reduction up to 5 ppm as CaCO3. After producing the design water quantity, the Softener is regenerated with Brine solution and is ready for operation again. Normal Operation, Rinsing, Backwash and regeneration of the Softener is done manually.

Chemical Conditioning
Before the Filtered water is fed into RO, it is dosed with various chemicals as listed below to condition the water to ensure trouble-free RO plant operation.
• The de chlorination is carried out with the help of Sodium Meta-bisulphite (Na2S2O5) is dosed in the soft water to neutralize the free chlorine (excess chlorine) Present in the soft water& helps to avoid oxidation of membrane.
• Antiscalent dosing to reduce the scaling tendency of calcium and magnesium over RO membrane they are dosed with SHMP to reduce the fouling the membranes. This will improve the life and efficiency of the membrane. Acid and Antiscalent dosing will prevent the fouling of the membrane due to high concentration of the salts in reject by inhibiting the activity of low solubility salts like calcium and silica.
• After Antiscalent dosing pH correction dosing is done to keep the pH in the range of 5 to 7.pH Correction is dosed to reduce the CO2 load on the RO-EDI. Carbon dioxide content in water considered as important water & process parameter, as carbon dioxide in gaseous form can pass easily through RO membrane. Hence pH dosing is done which transforms Carbon dioxide as ion and can be easily eliminated by the RO process.
Micron Filtration
5-micron Cartridge Filter to trap the suspended solids. This will avoid chocking of RO Membranes due to suspended solids.

RO Block
The soft & filtered water is than fed to the Reverse Osmosis Block system by means of a High Pressure Vertical Multistage pump.
RO unit works on principle of reverses osmosis which separates water from dissolve salt in solution by filtering through a semi permeable membrane. The concentrate form of reverse osmosis system which carries high salinity goes to the drain.
The RO Block has two pass RO. The HSRO Membranes are housed in electro polished SS 316L housing and fitted with SS 316 L piping, valves and fittings.
The RO Block is also provided with:
• Pressure Gauges, Flow Meters, Conductivity, ORP and pH Meter.
• Sampling valves, fittings and accessories.
• Safety interlocks and controls to ensure trouble free operation

EDI System
The Permeate water from RO System is directly fed to the Electro De-ionisation system (EDI) which stands as a polisher unit to obtain the desired quality of treated water where ion selective membranes operate using the same principle as ion exchange resin. The EDI system typically has a recovery of 90 to 95%.After EDI outlet water will be stored in purifies water

Low level in SMBS Dosing tankYESTrip ROFP-101 and dosing pumpsYES
Low level in ADS Dosing tankYESTrip ROFP-101 & Dosing pumpsYES
Low Level in Ph Correction Dosing tankYESTrip ROFP-101 & Dosing pumpsYES
High ORP Value.YESWill open ORP dumping valve. If the ORP value is high for more than 300 secs., it will trip the plant.YES
Low Pressure at ROHP-101 suctionYESWill trip the ROHP-101YES
Repeated Low Pressure at ROHP-01 suctionYESAfter ROHP-101 trips for 4 times in a minute. This will trip the entire plant.YES
High Pressure at ROHP-101 dischargeYESRO – EDI system will trip.YES
Low Pressure at EDIYESEDI system will trip.YES
Repeated Low Pressure at EDI inletYESAfter EDI trips for 4 times in a minute. This will trip the entire plant.YES
High Conductivity at RO pass – I outletYESWill open the dumping valve and if it is high for more than 300 secs. Will trip the plant.YES
High Conductivity at EDIoutletYESWill open the dumping valve and if it is high for more than 300 secs. Will trip the plant.YES
Low Compressed Air in PanelYESTrip the entire System.YES
Emergency StopYESTrip the entire System.YES






1.Multipurpose Tank1 Set
2.RO High Pressure Pump (ROHPP-02)1 No.
3.RO Block Pass-2 (HSRO)1 Set
4.EDI Unit (CEDI-01)1 No.
5.Auto Ph Correction System (DS-03)1 No.
6.CIP System1 Set
7.PLC Based Control Panel for RO-EDI System1 No.
8.SS Skid For Pre-Treatment1 No.
9.SS 304 Skid For PW Generation System1 No.
10.Interconnecting Piping and Valves1 Lot
11.Documentation1 Set